
Reacting: Solid. Cold. Words

8:30:00 AM

Following my first post, this too is a poem that I wrote in the creative wave I had the few days after the 2016 election. It does not necessarily reflect my current state of mind.

Solid. Cold. Words.

The words fly out on the page
fueled by hurt and
disappointment and
pain and
But my mouth is still
stock full of silence.
I have not even begun
to process the stream
of thoughts inside me.
I'm expected to know
what to say.
what to think.
what to do.
how to process and
speak intelligently.
But I cannot.
I feel lost and helpless,
like I could never do enough.
Yet I also feel inspired
and bursting full of love--but
how much love do I have to give?
Can it create a bridge over
the line drawn in sand?
The words fly out on the page
but the melody is lost.
nothing more.
for I do not know what else to give.
Concrete words to try to sort it out
but still I cannot find
the voice, the melody
that I believe is within.
which I will turn into actions.
Just not today.

header photo credit: Green Chameleon

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